GenericPoints (62)
| 01.04.11 - coal bed thickness |
| 19.03.01 - prospect pit |
| 19.03.04 - mine |
| 19.03.09 - adit |
| 19.03.25 - core hole |
| 19.05.020 - dry hole |
OrientationPoints (13)
| 06.01 - bedding, horizontal |
| 06.02 - bedding |
| 06.03 - bedding, vertical |
| 06.04 - bedding, overturned |
| 06.30 - direction of dip of bed based on crossbedding in quartzite |
| 08.03.02 - foliation |
| 08.03.03 - foliation, vertical |
| 09.001 - lineation |
| 09.001blue - lineation, mineral |
| 09.001red - lineation, parallel to axes of crenulation |
| dip - component of dip |
CartographicLines (64)
| 31.10 - cross section |
GeologicLines (65)
| 01.02.25 - coal bed |
| 01.02.27 - coal bed, approximate |
| 05.01.07 - anticline, concealed |
| 05.05.03 - syncline, approximate |
| 05.05.07 - syncline, concealed |
ContactsAndFaults (16)
| 01.01.01 - contact, certain |
| 01.01.03 - contact,approximate |
| 01.01.05 - contact, inferred |
| 02.01.03 - fault, approximate |
| 02.01.05 - fault, inferred |
| 02.01.06 - fault, inferred, questionable |
| 02.01.07 - fault, concealed |
| 02.01.08 - fault, concealed, questionable |
| 02.02.01 - fault, normal |
| 02.02.03 - fault, normal, approximate |
| 02.02.05 - fault, normal, inferred |
| 02.02.06 - fault, normal, inferred, questionable |
| 02.02.07 - fault, normal, concealed |
| 02.02.08 - fault, normal, concealed, questionable |
| 17.05 - landslide block edge, inferred |
| 17.07 - landslide block edge, concealed |
| 31.08 - map boundary |
OverlayPolys (66)
| landslide block |
MapUnitPolys (72)
| Qc |
| Qal |
| Qls |
| Qt4 |
| Qt5 |
| Qt6 |
| Qp |
| Tw |
| Td |
| TKf |
| Kl |
| Kmv |
| Kf |
| Kt |
| Js |
| TrPjc |
| Pf |
| Ps |
| Pcu |
| IPcm |
| PIPc |
| TrPu |
| IPMcl |
| IPMcm |
| pCa |
| pCpa |
| pCq |
| pCcs |
| pCca |
| pCm |
| pCms |
| pCmc |
| pCgb |
| pCfa |
| pCfg |
| pChg |
| pCgg |
DataSourcePolys (39)