GenericPoints (0)
| 19.03.01 - prospect pit |
| 19.03.35 - mine shaft |
OrientationPoints (19)
| 01.04.02 - contact, inclined |
| 01.04.03 - contact, vertical |
| 02.11.10 - fault, vertical |
| 06.02 - bedding |
| 06.03 - bedding, vertical |
| 06.04 - bedding, overturned |
| 06.27 - bedding, graded, in igneous rock |
| 06.30 - cross-bedding, in igneous rock |
| 08.02.03 - foliation, primary, resulting from orientation of platy minerals |
| 08.02.04 - foliation, primary, resulting from orientation of platy minerals, vertical |
| 08.02.11 - foliation, primary, resulting from compositional layering |
| 08.02.12 - foliation, primary, resulting from compositional layering, vertical |
| 08.02.17 - channelling, in igneous rock |
| 08.03.02 - compositional layering and planar orientation of platy minerals in metamorphic or igneous(?) rocks |
| 08.03.03 - compositional layering and planar orientation of platy minerals in metamorphic or igneous(?) rocks, vertical |
| 09.001 - lineation |
| 09.033 - lineation, inclusion, within primary foliation |
| 09.034 - lineation, inclusion, within primary vertical foliation |
| 09.037 - lineation, mineral |
| 09.093 - lineation, resulting from intersection of two surfaces |
| 09.097 - lineation, parallel to axes of passive fold |
| 09.117 - synform, minor |
| 09.121 - fold, minor isoclinal |
| 09.125 - fold, flexural |
| 09.133 - lineation, parallel to axes of crenulation |
CartographicLines (2)
| 31.10 - cross section |
GeologicLines (3)
| 05.03.17 - anticline, overturned |
| 05.10.05 - anticline, plunging |
| 05.10.05c - anticline, plunging, concealed |
| 02.14.01 - shear zone |
| 05.05.07 - syncline |
| 05.07.23 - syncline, overturned |
| 05.10.07c - syncline, plunging, concealed |
ContactsAndFaults (20)
| 01.01.01 - contact, certain |
| 01.01.05 - contact, inferred |
| 01.04.02 - contact, inclined, certain |
| 01.04.04 - contact, vertical, certain |
| 02.01.01 - fault, certain |
| 02.01.03 - fault, approximate |
| 02.01.07 - fault, concealed |
| 02.02.01 - fault, normal, certain |
| 02.02.03 - fault, normal, approximate |
| 02.02.07 - fault, normal, concealed |
| 02.06.01 - fault, strike-slip, right-lateral offset, certain |
| 02.06.09 - fault, strike-slip, left-lateral offset, certain |
| hanging wall fault - fault, inferred, concealed, on hanging wall of thrust sheet |
| 02.08.01 - fault, thrust, certain |
| 02.08.03 - fault, thrust, approximate |
| 02.08.07 - fault, thrust, concealed |
| 02.11.10 - fault, vertical, certain |
| 02.14.01 - shear zone, certain |
| 30.02.32 - water |
| 31.08 - map boundary |
MapUnitPolys (13)
| JTrsj |
| Jm |
| Js |
| Kc |
| Kf |
| Km |
| Kn |
| Ks |
| Kt |
| PAf |
| PPAc |
| Pgs |
| QTu |
| Qa |
| Qg |
| Ql |
| TrPrg |
| Xa |
| Xap |
| Xflg |
| Xm |
| Xmg |
| Xmlg |
| Xmp |
| Xq |
| Xqda |
| YXp |
| Ylb |
| Ylg |
| Yll |
| Ylm |
| Ylo |
| Ylr |
| Ylt |
| Ylu |
| Ys |
| water |
DataSourcePolys (5)
| DAS1 |