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Document Info:
Title: Tungsten Deposits in the United States
Author: Suggested citation: Karl, N.A., Carroll, T.R., Burger, M.H., Knudsen, L.D., Long, K.R., Reyes, T.A., and Schmeda, G.
Comments: This dataset was developed as part of an ongoing effort by the U.S. Geological Survey to inventory public information on critical mineral deposits within the United States that have record of production and (or) resources above a specified cutoff limit. In the case of tungsten, the cutoff was set at 215 metric tons of tungsten metal. This represents, approximately the largest 10 percent of known U.S. deposits. These geospatial data provide location, geologic description, and production and resource information.
In general, USGS uses this information to delineate permissive tracts (geographic areas in which specific types of mineral deposits may occur), develop assessments of potential undiscovered mineral resources, determine where and how the environmental effects of mining may be observed, and understand the natural variability found in mineral deposits of particular types. These data also support the Federal strategic objective to secure reliable supplies of critical minerals by providing information for geoscience research and mineral exploration to State and Federal agencies, private industry, and the general public.
Subject: This is version 2.0 of Tungsten Deposits in the United States. This data release provides the descriptions of approximately 100 U.S. sites that include tungsten.
Keywords: USGS Mineral Deposit Database (USMIN), Mining District, Open Pit Mine, Sn skarn deposits, gold, copper, W veins, arsenic, Sn greisen deposits, lithium, mine sites, sulfur, North Carolina, Mineral Resources Program (MRP), Nevada, scheelite, Mineral Region, Arc-related porphyry Mo, titanium, Texas, Placer Mine, tungsten, deposit type, geographic information systems, Au-W breccia, geospatial datasets, critical mineral, Brine, Area, Porphyry Mo-Nb, Energy and Minerals Mission Area, platinum-group elements, Climax Mo deposits, Epithermal Mn, Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Mine Shaft, Polymetallic veins, United States, mineral resources, New Mexico, tin, Adit, data release, hübnerite, fluorspar, Porphyry Cu, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), metallic mineral resources, Mineral District, Washington, Brine Mine, Deposit, Mine Feature, molybdenum, zinc, rhenium, W skarn deposits, Alluvial placer Sn, vanadium, mineral deposit areas, natural resource exploration, geoscientificInformation, Porphyry Mo-Cu, Disseminated pluton Au-Sb, Arizona, Underground Workings, Colorado, Montana, Placer Au-W, mineral deposits, Mineral Occurrence, Department of the Interior (DOI), location, economy, rare-earth elements, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center (GGGSC), ferberite, iron, California, antimony, economic geology, Alaska, silver, niobium, beryllium, Idaho, lead, Utah, Replacement in calcareous schists Au-Ag-Sb, Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin
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Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON
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Supports Datum Transformation: true
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