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5996ee8ee4b0b589267bba4e (MapServer)
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Generate KML (Catalog/5996ee8ee4b0b589267bba4e)
Document Name:
Surface of the water-table aquifer(0)
Line of equal water-table altitude (contour interval 10 feet)(1)
Approximate Location of the Regional Groundwater Divide(2)
Stream or Lake Gage (upper number is station name; lower number is water-surface altitude, in feet)(3)
Monitoring Well (upper number is station name; lower number is water-surface altitude, in feet)(4)
Potentiometric surface of the Magothy & Jameco aquifers(5)
Inferred limit of the Magothy aquifer(6)
Inferred limit of the Jameco aquifer(7)
Line of equal potentiometric-surface altitude (contour interval 10 feet)(8)
Monitoring well (upper number is station name; lower number is water-surface altitude, in feet)(9)
Potentiometric surface of the Lloyd & North Shore aquifers(10)
Inferred limit of the Lloyd aquifer(11)
Inferred limit of the North Shore aquifer(12)
Line of equal potentiometric-surface altitude (contour interval 5 feet)(13)
Monitoring well (upper number is station name; lower number is water-surface altitude, in feet)(14)
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